Sunday, July 17, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

  My name is Shelly. I have an adorable, amazingly smart and funny 19 month old son named Braiden. He is my life. The story of him begins in 2009. His Daddy & I had only been dating a few months before his conception, and once we found out we couldn't have been any happier! Considering the circumstances, we were determined to make it work, for the betterment of our soon to be child :) Looking back now, I'm glad it happened and wouldn't have changed it for the world! Anyways, it was even more exciting for my now husband, considering he  didn't think he could have children for reasons I won't mention (sorry!). The pregnancy was a difficult one what with all the 24/7 MORNING (yeah right!) sickness and never feeling good due to low iron and so on. But, even with all of hard times, even when it came to not being able to fit my belly into the desks at College, I survived, and I'm glad I did, even though I thought it might be impossible as much as I was puking my guts up and couldnt hold down a single meal.  Braiden is now my life and I don't know what I would do without him. I've pretty much been a stay at home mom for him for all of his 19 months. I held a couple of short part time jobs during 2010 but realised I wasn't ready ( nor was he) to leave the nest yet, even with all the bills piling up. So, I was selfish, for him & I, and stayed home and enjoyed every possible moment I could with him. Although, now, I'm on the hunt again for a job. As I said before, the bills are piling up, and the holidays are near. It's not gonna be easy...but...It's just another day in the life of Mommyhood!